Monday, March 17, 2008

Sorry for the Absence

I know I haven't been blogging everyday. I'm sorry to those few readers that actually keep up. I think I really need a little break, if you all don't mind. I will come back on Wednesday for the Write it Out Wednesday Meme, but other than that, I need to take the week off. Hopefully I'll have an explanation for you next Monday.


Overwhelmed! said...

I unintentionally dropped off the face of the earth with my blogging for over a week. Life just got really busy.

I'm back now.

Enjoy your time away.

Anonymous said...

Hope all is well.

I really appreciate your emails!:)

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

I so understand. Sometimes we all need a rest. Take all the time you need. I've got you on my bloglines so I'll be informed when your next posts come out. I don't blog every day either. I try to get at least 2 posts out a week, but last week I only had one and it was about the blog party. But I think that quality trumps quantity. I hope you have a beautiful Easter.

Beth Anne said...

I am of course one of your faithful blog readers. :-) and look forward to your return.